
Showing posts from August, 2017

Working Out With Social Media

Many of us feel similarly about exercise – it sucks. It’s a tedious chore that can more often yield soreness rather than desired results. But, one could argue that working out used to be a lot harder, or more inconvenient, than it is today. Before the Instagram fitness niche burgeoned and before anyone could post any kind of video they pleased to YouTube, those wanting to ensure that their workouts were worthwhile would have to put in more effort than a few mouse clicks. One possibility of guaranteeing your fitness routine is legitimate would be buying multiple DVD exercise programs. These typically fell into general categories of interest, such as cardio or yoga, limiting you to one concentration at a time. Alternatively, you could hire a personal trainer (expensive) or opt to take a group class (inconvenient), or you could just go to the gym and wing it — an extremely daunting scenario. There’s nothing like the good ol’ fear of the unknown. If you’re not sure what you are doing ...